One Autumn Weekend

By: Sean E.
(© 2010 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Jason sat Indian-style on one of the softest comforters he ever remembered laying eyes on. Looking out into the darkness beyond the screen of the room's only window, his gaze picked out odd features of the other houses in the darkness of the subdivision. Some were lit up from inside, while others were still shrouded in mystery, their owners either not at home or engaged in other activity. He pulled a squat pillow into his lap to cover his legs as a cool breeze flowed through and crossed over his form, causing him to unconsciously shiver. He wore a pleasant smile for the moment, feeling rather happy and excited inside for once. After having freshly showered, he entered the darkened room and plopped onto the bed while he waited for his friend to take his turn. Both boys had been at it diligently since they got home from school that afternoon, each having the time of their lives. Once they finished dinner, Jason - being the guest of the hour - had chosen to clean up first, thus creating the quiet moment he was having now, enjoying the peace that surrounded him.

It was a quiet stillness that Jason was unaccustomed to. Being the middle child of a family with 2 older sisters and a younger brother, his home life on a normal day bustled with a lot of noise and activity, a stark contrast to the moment he was experiencing now. Being 14, Jason was old enough he could begin to appreciate some of the more tranquil things in life on occasion, including the solitude of the moment. He glanced outside and studied the neighborhood again. It was late in the year, the leaves outside already turning into a kaleidoscope of red and orange for the season. This particular day had been warmer than that of the last few weeks, enough so that most kids took advantage of the final waning days outside. He and Chad had spent the bulk of that afternoon riding bikes and playing some hard, one-on-one basketball. As dusk had settled into the nightfall, the air cooled just enough that the four of them - he, Chad and his parents - had needed to don jackets before they could enjoy a late evening supper outside. Grilled burgers, potato salad and more had stuffed the four of them into a miserable state before they finished and called it quits, coming indoors for the rest of the evening.

While Jason waited, he glanced at the clock in the corner of the room and was surprised to see the hour really wasn't that late. Somewhere in the background he could hear running water suddenly stop, and he knew that any moment Chad would be returning. He decided to lie back, flopping onto the thick comforter as it puffed up and almost swallowed him whole. The bed moved in a simple rhythm from the effort, the water underneath gently rolling a series of waves before smoothing out again. It was the first time Jason had ever experienced a waterbed, and it intrigued him how the warmth he felt underneath offset the coolness of the room. He hadn't known Chad even had one, and his thoughts turned to wondering what it would be like to actually sleep on it. He glanced at his bag in the corner, and for a moment he briefly wondered if he would get that chance this night or not. The queen-sized bed was certainly big enough for the two of them, but he didn't know what Chad's plans, or his parents for that matter, were for him. At home he had his own bed bunk that topped that of his younger brother's "nest" as they usually called it. For as long as he could remember it had always been that way, meaning he had little experience in sleeping with anyone else. As he lay there, however, he closed his eyes to listen and wait, and somewhere in the back of his mind, he found himself actually hoping this night would be different.

True to his expectations, it was only minutes later before a new light filled the hallway as the bathroom door opened and Chad emerged. Crossing the hall, the young boy paused in the doorway to his room and spoke aloud. "Hey, how come you're sitting in the dark?"

Jason looked up at his friend, standing there dressed much like himself in shorts and a loose fitting t-shirt, one hand busily toweling one side of his head while the other groped about for the light switch. Finding it, he flipped it and a lamp in the opposite corner of the room turned on to chase away some of the shadows.

Inwardly sighing, Jason attempted to rock back up onto his legs and sit as before, but found he had to use the bed's railing for assistance. "No reason, I just thought it was kind of cool sitting here and looking outside some."

Chad nodded as he crossed to the sliding closet door near the foot of the bed. "Yeah, I do that sometimes, too." Reaching, he pulled on a chest drawer inside and rummaged through its contents. Chad's room was not all that big in size, especially given the space the bed commanded. To make room for other fixtures, Chad had moved part of his bedroom furniture to one side inside the closet. As Jason watched, he could also make out extra shelves and boxes in places, filled with different books, games and puzzles, some of which looked like they had been in there undisturbed for some time. As Chad finished with whatever he was doing, he closed the drawer back before turning around. "Be right back," he said with a smile, then walked backed toward the bathroom.

Jason watched his friend as he left, then just sat in silence as random thoughts struck him, including that of how his friend's lithe form had seemed to stand out as he walked away. By no means did Jason sport a heavy or burley body size, but it was obvious he didn't have the type of body that compared to his slim and athletic friend. Although subtle, ever since they had first met Jason seemed embarrassed at how he felt inadequate compared to his classmate. The why was something he simply did not know. Thinking back, Jason was always self-conscious of the fact he was bigger than most kids his age, not just in height but other ways, too. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, either: already the school's football coach had approached him about joining the team that year, something he had to decline. It was something his mother would have never allowed, for her own reasons. In a way he knew he should have been flattered, too. Instead though, Jason found it more a source of embarrassment. Jason's lack of self-esteem permeated into other aspects of his life as well. For one thing it made having friends more difficult at times - not because his peers really gave him any problems, but because it made him withdraw and keep to himself more often than not.

Thanks to Chad though, Jason was also not a social outcast. Ever since they the 7th grade, the two seemed to hit it off together from the start. Their friendship had been built around common interests, and had blossomed in even more ways in the months to follow.

Being athletic, Chad's activities in sports and his subsequent camaraderie with his teammates allowed Jason to be more active than most, for a bystander anyway. Although he didn't play on the teams, the guys accepted him being around on almost the same level anyway. He rode the bus with them to many of their games, supporting them and hanging out part of the time. They did it mostly because of Chad, but also because they found him to be an okay kid for the most part. Chad went out of his way to include Jason as much as he could, and in the end it gave Jason a better feeling of self worth - something that helped him immensely. Over time, it gave the both of them a special friendship that became inseparable.

Chad appeared again in the doorway a moment later, his dampened black hair now brushed back. "Um, you want the door open or closed?" he asked, pausing in the doorway. When Jason shrugged his shoulders, he just grinned and closed it before flopping down onto the edge of the bed. He burped before looking up and smiling at his friend. "So umm, what do you wanna do?"

Chad half snorted. "No fair! That's what I was about to ask you!" They both laughed before Chad turned and looked at the clock. "Umm, I think Battlestar is on, that's one of your shows you like, isn't it?"

Jason grinned. "Yeah, but..."

"But what?"

The smile turned to a look of embarrassment. "Uh, Mom made me quit watching it." Looking at the questioning eyes that met him, he explained. "You know, it's supposed to be for adults and stuff, and she happened to watch some with Dad one night I guess. Too much sex and stuff..."

Chad started to laugh, but upon seeing his friends' embarrassment he stopped. "Well, you're not home tonight; you're here, with me!" Rolling onto his side on the bed, he reached up into the headboard and withdrew a TV remote that must have been hidden in the makeshift bookshelf. Within seconds a TV in the corner came alive and was picking up the Sci-Fi channel. On the screen they picked up in the middle of a Battlestar: Galactica broadcast already in progress. Jason grinned as his friend maneuvered himself to lie on his stomach facing the TV, and then worked himself to lie beside him. Surprisingly, the bed contoured to both of their bodies, making it more pretty comfortable to stretch out and relax. There the two lay for the next two hours, watching TV together, only shifting occasionally when the need arose.

When the second episode finished, Chad grunted and rolled on his side to prop his head on his elbow. "Um, you think you could do something for me?"

Jason returned the gaze with a raised eyebrow. "Maybe, what's up?"

"Well," Chad began before hesitating. "You know how last week I took that fall in gym, and it kind of hurt my back some?" After Jason nodded, he continued. "Well, I think I kind of pulled it some again tonight while we were playing ball."

Jason drew in his breath. "You okay?" The grunts and other noises he had heard since his friend returned from the shower suddenly made sense.

"Yeah, honest. Just, there's this stuff Mom puts on my back for me sometimes, kinda like that Icy Hot stuff, you know? Except its some stuff we got from my doc. It's like an ointment thing that kinda rubs into your muscles and makes you feel like it heats up, you know, makes the muscles relax more." When he saw the look of understanding on his friends face, he half grinned. "Anyways, I thought about putting some on. It doesn't smell bad or anything, it's even almost odorless after the first couple of minutes."

Jason nodded. "Sure, I mean, go ahead, it's cool."

Chad gave him a sheepish grin. "Well, like I said, I usually get Mom to do it, but I was wondering if you might do it for me."

Jason just shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, I don't mind."

Chad's eyes lit up. "Cool!" he replied. Rolling over he climbed out of the bed and disappeared briefly from the room. Jason waited patiently until his friend reappeared, shutting the door once again behind him. Tossing a silver-like tube into Jason's lap, Chad then stood by the bedside and peeled off his t-shirt. It wasn't until he started hooking his thumbs into his shorts, however, that Jason suddenly gave a start.

"What?" Chad asked, seeing his friend's expression.

Jason laughed nervously. "I didn't know you were going to strip naked!"

Chad laughed. "I'm not, you dope!" He threw a pillow at him, which Jason caught good naturedly before turning and shutting off the light switch. The room plunged back into a shadowy abyss, the only light now coming from the TV. Chad hooked and dropped his shorts to the floor before he stretched out on the bed again without saying another word.

Jason sat there at first, amused but also awkward - something Chad noticed. "Relax, I know what I'm doing." When Jason gave him a nervous smile, he turned to face the boy. "Look, you don't have to do it if you don't want to; I can apply some of it myself. I just thought we'd be getting ready for bed soon anyway, that's all."

Jason scrunched his nose as comprehension dawned on him. "Oh, okay." He thought about it for a few seconds. "Umm, where am I gonna sleep tonight?" he asked innocently.

"Huh? In here, with me, why?"

Jason blushed. "I wasn't sure, that's all. I didn't know if you would want me in here or what, you know..."

Chad giggled. "Are you kidding? Of course I want you in here! That is if you don't mind sleeping with me."

Jason smiled. "Really? You w-want me to?"

"Why wouldn't I?" A strange look crossed his face as comprehension dawned on him. "Wait, I remember now - you've never stayed overnight anywhere, have you?" When Jason nodded, he grunted. "Man, your Mom is something else I think." He sat down on the edge of the bed and looked over at his friend. "I mean that in a good way though, you know, just - seems like she's really overprotective sometimes, that's all."

Jason rolled his eyes. "Tell me about it." Leaning back against the rail, he balanced himself on the other side of the bed where he was still sitting. "And you're right, I've stayed with anyone or slept with anyone, so - it's kind of new for me is all. It's okay though - I'm just glad you asked me over, and I'm glad she finally let me come."

"I know what you mean; I've been trying to get you over here forever!" Chad himself rolled his eyes as he finally stretched out on the bed and lay on his stomach. "I promise I'm not gonna rape you or anything, so relax, okay? It's just you and me, nobody else. Mom and Dad won't come in or anything as long as my door is closed, so we'll have complete privacy."

Jason watched him for a few seconds then turned and scooted across the waves until he sat next to his friend. "Okay so, umm, how do I do this?"

"Just squeeze some out and rub it up and down the lower part of my back, in the middle. Don't worry about how much or how little, just get some on and kind of rub it around until it works itself in, that's all."

Jason glanced at Chad and then to the tube. Shrugging, he removed the cap as requested and squeezed some of the cool, pasty-like substance onto his fingers. Although a little nervous at first about touching his friend, he found he sort of liked it and relaxed, slowly applying the cream about two-thirds of the way down on his back. "Um, is this okay?" he asked, building up a gentle, circular motion.

"MMmmm... yeah, that's fantastic. I might have to let you start giving me my massages!" he added with a grin. "Umm, you can press a little harder if you want - I promise I won't bite."

Jason grunted. "Why do you do that to me?"

"Do what?"

"Tease me like that, like I'm afraid of you or something."

Chad opened his eyes and studied the other boy for a moment. "Well, I dunno, maybe because I think you are or something...?" He made it out as a question, but his expression and tone betrayed a general note of amusement
- that is, until he saw his friend wince. "Okay, sorry, I didn't mean it that way."

Jason shook his head. "Yeah you did, you know it." He was grinning though, which made Chad feel a little better.

"Jase, seriously man, just ease up some. And while you're at it, go lower some more."

Jason was already rubbing down close to the top of his friends' briefs. "Uh, you sure? I mean, you want this stuff on your ass?"

In answer Chad laughed before he unhooked his arms and brought them back, hooking and moving the back of his briefs down a couple of inches.

Jason noticed with amusement that the top of his friends crack peeked out from underneath the band. Chad watched his expression, and then suddenly grinned. "Just to the top, okay?" When Jason didn't move, he giggled and went ton. "Does looking at my ass really make you feel that uncomfortable?"

Jason grinned sheepishly. "No, it's kind of cute, in a funny sort of way," he replied sheepishly. He couldn't help but notice again the sight that had already commanded his attention a few times. Perhaps he ought to be uncomfortable, but he found in reality he really wasn't. Chad lay stretched out before him like no other boy had ever done before, not even his own little brother. As his eyes traveled up and down the boy's lithe form, he couldn't help but notice once again how shapely and smooth Chad looked to him. To make things even more interesting, the one and only piece of clothing covering his friend's butt was somewhat worn and thin, putting the shape of everything inside of it on display for him. He swallowed nervously, then looked away again as he heard Chad giggle. Jason realized he had been caught, and it brought a shade or redness to his cheeks that he was glad his friend couldn't see. For a few seconds he closed his eyes in shame, stopping the motion underneath his fingertips.

"Jase?" The voice was quiet and low, almost a whisper, and was such a change it made the bigger boy open his eyes and meet the gaze back at him. Instead of finding amusement, however, he saw an expression of compassion. Indeed, Chad was feeling sorry he had made such light of the issue. "I'm sorry man, I really am." When Jason just continued to stare at him, he started to look glum himself. "Seriously, I was only teasing, I'm sorry man."

Jason finally spoke his voice was barely above a whisper. "I am, too." He finally exhaled and did as his friend requested, applying some more of the ointment further down his back. When he spoke again though, the seriousness of the moment had passed, and a note of curiosity laced his tone. "Do you let your mom do this too? I mean, down on your butt and all?"

"Hell no!" Chad replied, but his voice was subdued.

Jason laughed. "Oh, so you just let your friends do it so they'll rub your ass and stuff, huh?"

Chad rolled on his side and propped his head on his elbow, grinning. "You want the truth? The whole truth and nothing but?"

Jason raised an eyebrow, giving his friend that Mr. Spock, Vulcan-type response. "Sure."

Chad hesitated before answering. "I only let people I trust even see me like this, and I mean really, really trust."

"Huh? I mean, heck, people see us all the time in gym and stuff!"

Chad shook his head. "Not the same man, cause if you get caught looking or anything, then..." He didn't need to finish.

Jason thought about that a second before slowly nodding. He had never really thought about it much, but it made sense as he stole another glance, this time up and down his friend's front side, then suddenly realized what he did and turned his eyes down. "Only people you trust, huh? And how many is that?" he asked sheepishly.

"Um at last count, only one - and he happens to be sitting beside me right now."

Jason looked up startled, and then grinned. "Serious?"

Chad giggled. "Don't sweat it Jase, I mean it." Pausing, he continued in a lower voice. "Can I ask you something? I mean, really ask you something?" When the other boy nodded, he probed. "How come you seem always, I don't know, so shy and everything?"

Jason blushed even redder as he continued to stare down at the bed. "I dunno man, I just - I wish I could be more like you guys I guess."

"Huh? How so?"

Jason stole a glance down at his friend's stomach and below. "You know, skinny and stuff."

Chad scoffed. "What? You think you're fat or something? Come on!" Seeing the expression that met him, however, told him otherwise. "You really do don't you? MMMaaaaannnnnn..." He was at a loss for words, but the openness of the conversation seemed to spur Jason to finally look up at him.

"No, I mean yeah, I mean, look at me, I'm not like you. Sometimes I even wonder why you put up with me and stuff, why you even like me."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I dunno, it's just, some of the guys on the team and the other kids, they just, seem to hang out with people more like you, that's all." He said the last with his voice growing softer, and his tone seemed to imply something else. When Chad thought about it for a second, he shook his head.

"Those fucking, asshole jocks don't know you man, they're just all wrapped up in their own little jerk off squads and whatever and stuff. I mean..." He paused, and even Jason had to smile slightly. He knew Chad - really knew him - enough so he knew his friend was not prone to the use of such language easily. Chad rolled onto his back and looked up to the ceiling. "They don't know you Jase, not like I do anyway. Man, you have one of the biggest, I dunno, biggest hearts of anyone I know. How can I NOT like you? Others would too, if you would just open up to them some."

Jason looked up into his friend's eyes. "Chad, I'm not like you, I don't know how to be outgoing and all that..."

"Sure you do man, but even if you didn't, there's nothing to it really, you just relax and be yourself, that's all." He glanced up and down his friends figure. "I'll tell you something else, too - and trust me on this: You're not fat, you're not even close to it. I bet you have a decent body and everything, you're just too afraid for anyone to see it." He looked up into his friend's eyes. "I'm serious man - you have a self-image problem or something, and you shouldn't."

Jason grimaced. "I'm just not used to, you know... being like you are and everything."

A silence broke between them, and for a few minutes neither said anything more until Chad suddenly sat up next to him. "I meant what I said Jase, okay? I like you, and I trust you - don't ever forget that. Any time you want to talk about something or stuff; I'm here for you man, honest."

Jason met the blue eyes staring back at him. "I don't - I mean, sometimes I get afraid you'll like, dump me for the other guys or something, but I try not to get jealous or anything."

Chad shook his head. "Not gonna happen man, you and me, we're bros." When he saw Jason smile, he returned it. "You know something?"


"I think this is the first time we've ever really talked, you know, like this."

Jason nodded. "Yeah, it's kind of nice in a way." They stared at each other for a second, then Jason hesitantly move forward a little and paused, his arms sort of starting to reach out some, but then he hesitated.

Chad on the other hand, didn't hesitate as he reached out and threaded his arms around his friend, pulling him into a hug. "It's okay, honest, I'm not gonna bite you or anything! I like hugs, too!"

Jason laughed as he embraced his friend, awkwardly at first but then relaxing. As he felt Chad sort of rub his back, he did the same, finding something almost magical in holding the skin underneath him. They stayed that way for a moment, Jason finally whispering back, "Thanks man, honest." They separated and Jason began to feel much more at ease. "You know I got your back, right?"

Chad grinned. "Yeah, literally too!" He laughed as Jason stuck his tongue out at him, and then got serious. "Come on, it's time I convince you you're too hard on yourself." He moved to take hold of Jason's t-shirt from the bottom, causing the other boy to raise his eyebrow again, making Chad laugh. "You really like doing that don't you? You, you alien!"

Jason grinned. "Sorry, can't help it sometimes." Both boys laughed, then Chad tugged and seeing no resistance, he brought the t-shirt up and over Jason's head, peeling it away, revealing a very white and tan-less upper half. At first Jason sucked in his gut, hesitating as his friend leaned back to inspect him. Something though made him relax in the magic of the moment as he put himself at ease. He had never seen this sensitive side of his friend - not in this way at least, and he found himself liking it more with each passing moment. Looking down at himself, he guessed he probably was being harder on himself than he should, something Chad pointed out to him right away.

"You see? You're not fat - not by a long shot. Okay, so maybe your ribs don't show like mine, but man that is NOT a bad thing." Chad spoke softly, taking his hand and floating his fingers across Jason's chest lightly so as not to tickle him. This was another first for Jason, something he had never experienced before. He smiled a little as Chad's fingers danced across his abdomen and noticed that Chad smiled back. Their eyes met again and he saw not amusement, but one of understanding and something else.

"Thanks," Jason whispered. "You're the best."

The words hung in the air for a few seconds before Chad pulled the pillow away from Jason's lap. Putting his hand on the other boy's chest, he gently pushed him backward onto the bed. "Here, lay back, I'm going to prove to you I'm not afraid of you, and that you have nothing to be afraid of me for." Before Jason could object, Chad took hold of his friends' waistband around his hips. At first he got hold of both the shorts and the briefs underneath, which alarmed Jason a little once he felt the fingers against his skin, but then Chad grinned and grunted as he adjusted to grab only the shorts themselves. With a little tug, he got Jason to lift his hips while he pulled down and stripped the shorts away.

Jason was at first amused by it, but strangely enough he had no fear or embarrassment at the moment. When Chad finished, both boys were now identical to each other, only Jason's briefs had been pulled slightly lower over his hips from the action. It was something he realized almost immediately, but he decided he didn't care. As the other boy sat beside him grinning, he couldn't help but see out of the corner of his eye that his friend's briefs were tented a little.

Before he could give it any thought, however, Chad did something else that totally surprised him. Glancing to make sure the door to the bedroom was closed, he turned and stretched out on the bed again. Instead of laying down beside him, however, he climbed on top of Jason until he was resting his chin on his hands, propped only inches away from the his friend's face. The smile in Chad's eyes brought an even bigger smile to Jason, who finally broke the silence. "What are you doing?" he whispered.

Chad whispered back. "Proving I'm not afraid of you."

"How is that?"

Chad rolled his eyes. "Isn't it obvious? Sheesh! I mean, I'm laying on you, we're nearly naked, the room is kinda dark but we can see each other and everything - and yes my dick and your dick are kinda making out together." He grinned at the last as the most obvious was happening between the both of them when he pushed down gently. "And believe it or not, I think it's kind of cool - and I don't mean like cool-in-the-room-kind-of-stuff, I mean cool that you're not pushing me away and everything and cussing me out and calling me queer and all that crap."

Jason smiled and shook his head. "I would never do that to you."

Chad smiled back again and both boys lay still for the moment. "Well?" he finally asked.

"Well, what?"

Again Chad rolled his eyes. "You're impossible sometimes, you know that?" He laughed, seeing Jason's confusion. "You really never have spent the night with another guy before, have you?" He was whispering, something that didn't escape his friend.

"You know I haven't," was the whispered reply as Jason shifted underneath to better accommodate his friend.

Chad understood as he slowly ground himself onto his friends' midsection. Both were sporting full boners by now, and he could feel Jason as he occasionally throbbed underneath. "So, you've never, like, messed around any then?" His words came hesitantly though because he was unsure how Jason would react.

Jason scrunched up his nose. "How do you mean? Like, with a guy?" When Chad nodded, his eyes got wide. "No, but isn't that like, gay and stuff?"

A look of amusement crossed Chad's face. "Kinda, but it also kinda depends on other stuff, too." Seeing the question in the other's eyes, he smiled. "Like, whether two guys trust each other and stuff, cuz if they do then it's kinda just like having fun and everything." He dropped his voice even lower, if that were even possible given the way the two were whispering now. "It's really kind of cool sometimes."

Jason thought about it for a second before he replied, "You really trust me?"

Chad nodded. "You'll never know how much I really trust you Jase. Like I said while ago, we're bros. Just so you know though, we don't have to do anything. I mean it: If you tell me no, everything will be cool."

Jason grinned at him, though. "But you want to, right?"

"Umm... I was kind of hoping, umm, yeah, you know..."

He had an expression and smile that Jason could not help but relax at. "I trust you, too," he replied as he sort of started grinding back at the body that was pushing down on him. With a silly grin, he glanced away and then back. "So, what do you do when you mess around and stuff?"


Jason rolled over and, ever so slowly, opened his eyes. The room was a somber grey, its bluish walls casting a tranquil hue on its occupants. As his eyes began to focus, he watched the scene out the window of the room's second story dormer. Outside it was raining, and as it began to register with him, so did the fact at how cold the air felt in the room just then. Overnight the temperature had fallen, reminding them both what time of year it was. Surprisingly, although the room was cold, he didn't feel it himself; the big comforter covering him seemed to insulate his body, sandwiching him against the warmth of the waterbed beneath him. The bed actually felt good to him as he stretched and moved his legs on the cotton sheets, a lot better than the bed he had at home. He had no idea what time it was, but at the moment he didn't care. He knew it was Saturday, that there was no school, and if he were lucky he wouldn't have to go home before evening. At the moment that was all that mattered to him. That is, until another realization suddenly hit him, something that made him smile like he had never smiled before this early in the morning.

He closed his eyes and recalled the events of the previous night. He couldn't speak for Chad, but for his own self he was in awe at the things that had happened. For several minutes he replayed various parts and scenes over and over in his mind, as if to convince himself it wasn't a dream, but had really happened. Following that magical question, Chad opened his eyes to things he had never before really knew or experienced. He knew some things, that was a given; he was a boy, one who had had boners for a long time, and who had discovered the joys of jacking off almost immediately when he started hitting puberty. He had been bashful though, and learned only so much from the guys in the locker rooms or elsewhere. Because of his shyness, and lack of self confidence however, that learning experience had been limited for the most part, and only his dreams had let him into the "other" world. Dreams could only take him so far though, and what had happened the night before had awakened a new side for him.

And it was Chad who had taken him there...

He turned his head to see the his best friend resting peacefully beside him, facing him still in what appeared to be a heavy slumber. Aside from the light snoring he could hear, along with the deep breathing, a look of peace was on Chards face that made Jason smile. Chad had done a lot for him in the time that they had been friends, and he liked to think he had done a lot in return over the couple of years they had known each other. The night before, however, his friend had taken it to a new level, and in his stomach the butterflies stirred at the excitement of it. Jason closed his eyes eventually after watching the other boy resting so peacefully, lost in thoughts and memories for some time before he heard a soft voice in his ear.

"You don't have to look like you lost your virginity because I sucked your dick, you know!"

Jason giggled as he opened his eyes and gazed upon the face staring back at him. Chad was lying there awake and smiling too, but still peaceful and resolute as before. At first Jason didn't know what to say, but eventually he spoke up in a quiet whisper, "Crap man, do you have to go and ruin it for me?"

Chad grunted before rolling over and putting his back up neatly next to his friend. He reached back and pulled Jason's arm around him and held the two of them together, neatly spooned. Jason lay there in wonder and sighed as he recalled a moment the night before when they were finally quieting down after hours of talking about everything under the sun. It was a moment when Chad, with the help of the waterbed bringing them both so close together, had done the same thing, only then whispering "I promise I won't hold it against you if you hold me for a while." Doing it again made Jason realize he wanted to do it, having the feel of someone like Chad in his arms to cuddle with - naked or not. The thought made him giggle, enough so that Chad turned back to glance at him. "You okay back there?"

Jason grinned sleepily. "I'm awesome bro, just awesome," he replied, pulling the other teen in tighter. Chad smiled as he settled in tighter.


The word came out of nowhere. "Huh?" Jason asked.

Chad responded in a hushed voice, "You finally called me bro. I guess you feel it now, too."

Jason smiled and then hugged his friend. "Chad, I don't think I could ever tell you how I feel right now."

That remark made Chad look back a second time before pulling out and rolling onto his back. As he did, he scooted up close again with the help of the bed, its motions settling the two of them next to each other just as close as ever before. "You're wrong man," he said simply as he snuggled in and watched Jason's expression. "I mean, I know how I felt some, and I know how I feel now. It's like you said, it was just awesome." Chad let that sink in for a moment before he reached and pulled the cover up to look underneath. He grinned when he saw Jason, like himself, hadn't bothered to put any clothes back on. "I thought I could feel your you-know-who on my butt," he said slyly. Both boys were sporting partial boners, to which they both stared down into the shadows for a moment, but Chad thought the reason was probably for something else entirely. Pushing the cover back some, he started to get up. "Come on, I don't know about you, but I need to get rid of some pee."

Jason wearily followed, both getting out of the bed to stand in the cold room. He watched Chad open the door to the hallway and peek out, then dash across the space into the open bathroom. Jason at first hesitated, not sure if he should follow or wait, but then Chad stopped in the other doorway and motioned impatiently for him to follow. Inside, they quietly closed the door and crossed over to the toilet. Chad relieved himself almost immediately, but Jason hesitated - mostly because he had been bathroom shy since he was a little kid. He tried to relax though, wanting to be as carefree about their nakedness as Chad was, but it was still difficult for him to get a start. He was concentrating really hard on relaxing and letting go, so much so he never heard Chad finish. To his surprise though, his friend suddenly reached out and took hold of his dick and gave it a tug. More surprisingly, Jason's concentration was broken and suddenly he began peeing into the toilet. He grinned sheepishly at Chad. "How the heck...?" he whispered.

Chad shrugged then leaned in close to his friend's ear. "I used to be bathroom shy, too - till I got on the baseball team. When you're wearing the uniforms, it's not easy to take a piss when you gotta go, and when you do, it's usually just this big urinal thingy in the dressing room, not even a stall. So I had some problems for a while."

"How did you get over it, then?" Jason asked as quietly as he could.

"One of the guys had to take a piss with me one day, and I couldn't help it or hold out, we both had to go. So he goes in with me and pulls his wiener out and starts pissing and I like, try to do it but I freeze up. I mean I couldn't let go, you know? Then he just suddenly did to me what I did to you and it surprised me so much I just, like, forgot what I was being nervous about." He grinned. "I pissed enough for a whole days worth I think."

"Kinda like I just did," Jason replied, understanding and grinning as well. He shook his head. "Crap Chad, what else you gonna do to me this weekend?"

Chad arched his eyebrows a couple of times before turning and rinsing his hands in the sink. While Jason took his turn doing the same, Chad pulled out some weight scales from the bathroom closet and quietly set them on the floor. He motioned his friend to step on, but Jason hesitated, suddenly turning shy again. Chad coaxed him onto the scales though, reassuring him it would be cool. When he saw the results, Chad looked up and gave his friend one of those funny looks with his hands on his hips. "Are you kidding me?" Jason looked down where the scales showed the result: 140 pounds. Backing off, he re-stepped again to make sure he was reading it right.

When the same results displayed a second time, he was ecstatic. "I don't believe it!" he whispered as Chad got him to step back while he himself took a turn. He already knew his own weight roughly, but he wanted his friend to see it for himself. "Check it out," he whispered, and Jason had to keep himself from whistling out loud. "No way!" he hissed. Chad grinned in amusement and then put his finger to his lips, signaling silence. After they put the scales away, both boys hurried back across the hall and into the cold bedroom once again, closing the door behind them. It took them no time to crawl back in under the cover and find warmth of both the waterbed and each other.

Jason was the first to break the silence. "130... Your only 130 pounds? I mean, I'm only what, 10 pounds more?" He said it softly, but the incredulity was more than evident.

"Told you! You were worrying about nothing," Chad replied.

Jason shook his head. "I don't get it though; I'm like... you know, so different..."

Chad propped his head on his elbow facing his friend. "No, you're not. That's what I tried to tell you last night, but you wouldn't listen to me. You don't work out like we do is all, and you don't run or lift weights or anything either, so your body isn't gonna be like, all tensed up or stuff. Me, I'm not that skinny either, I just-"

He paused as Jason reached out and pulled the comforter down some and interrupting him. "No, you are too skinny - look, I can see your ribs, I can see the bottom of your chest and how it sinks down to your belly button and everything." He stopped there, not wanting to go too much farther. "And you've got these, these lines and stuff, like from your hips down to your hairs and stuff."

Chad grinned. "V-lines, yeah, but you got those, too." To prove it, he reached out and traced them across Jason's midsection. Unlike his friend though, he let his fingers go down to the bush of hair that was there and the now softened member he found.

Jason grinned as he felt the fingers lightly touching him and exploring. "Man, you really aren't afraid of me, are you?"

Chad grinned, gave it a little squeeze and then let go before it started hardening too much. "I told you so. I just wish you would believe me."

Jason regarded his friend with wonder. "I do," he whispered.

"Well, maybe you do, but we got to talk about it some, because I have to know something." Chad's tone had changed again to be more serious, and when Jason nodded, he continued. "I have to know you're okay. I mean, really, like down-in-your-heart-kind-of-thing okay. I don't want stuff to change between us or anything, because you're my best friend and you're my bro. I mean, I know we're not real family or anything and I'm not a brother, but still - that's how much I think of you." He paused before adding, "If I had a brother, honestly, I would want him to be you."

Surprise registered on Jason's face, followed by a look of understanding. "What can I do to prove to you I'm okay?" he whispered. When Chad didn't respond, he stared into the other's eyes and smile again. "Okay, this time you're the one who is wrong. You want to know how I feel inside, how did you say it, in my heart? Well, this is how I feel..." Jason pulled the boy into the tightest embrace he could, with both arms and legs wrapped around Chad's body, and not letting go for a long, long time.

Chad had closed his eyes, and a relief seemed to come over him. In his own way, he had just opened himself to this boy on a whole new level, and he needed to feel that it was okay. "Thanks man, I'm sorry, you know I'm not usually washy and stuff, just..."

"Can I tell you something? Honest?" When Chad leaned back and nodded, their eyes met and Jason smiled. "After last night and this morning, I needed this I think. I mean, I needed a bro I could talk to and stuff, and believe. So you gotta believe me, too. I feel the same about you as you do - you can be my brother anytime you want as far as I'm concerned, as long as I can be yours." He saw Chad blush - something of a rarity it seemed, so he added. "I mean it man - don't think I don't know how you sort of go out of your way and everything when we're around your friends, and I'm always glad you include me as much as you do, even though I don't do a lot of the things you guys get into."

Chad shrugged his shoulders. "I pull you in because you're my best friend Jase. The guys know it, too."

Jason studied his friend for a moment, and then whispered close to his ear. "I'll make you a deal: you quit worrying about me so I won't have to worry about you."

Chad considered then giggled. "I didn't corrupt you or anything?"

Jason giggled. "Of course you did, but heck, I didn't know it could be that much fun to begin with, so yeah, you corrupted me - but in a good way!" He smiled. "You know something? I think it's kind of funny you never once last night or this morning said anything about it, you know, staying between us."

Chad nodded. "That's because I know I don't have to. I told you, Jase: I trust you - I don't have to worry about stuff like that. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't trust you."

"Yeah, I know." Jason replied. He suddenly giggled. "I still can't get over how big your dick is and stuff! You're 10 pounds lighter than me, but your dick is like, whoa!"

Chad grinned. "Well, I might be big, but you've got more hair and bigger balls than me I think!" He whispered again. "Promise me something."

"If I can," Jason whispered in response.

"You can," Chad stated, and then leaned in really close to make sure his friend would hear him. "Stop running yourself down and stuff. God didn't make us all to look the same anyway, you know? I like you just the way you are, and so will everyone else if you'll just open up some."

Jason smiled. "I promise I'll try. It might take me a while, but I will."

Chad smiled. "Cool, that's all I'm asking." He looked around before whispering. "Anything else you wanna do before we get up?"

Jason observed his friend for a long, long time. "Only one thing... if you'll let me."

"What's that?" Chad asked.

"Well, it might be too much bro, I mean - it'll be different, that's for sure, maybe even really hard. I mean, if you don't, I'll understand, but maybe, just once..."

Chad pulled his head back and cocked it to the side some. "Hey now," he whispered. "I'll suck your dick and jack off and stuff with you, but don't - like, don't ask me to do 'it' you know."

Jason was puzzled. "Do 'it'?"

"Yeah, you know..." When it was obvious his friend didn't know, Chad spelled it out for him. "F-u-c-k, yeah, you know..."

Jason screwed up his face. "What are you talking about, guys can't fuck!"

Chad giggled. "Umm, sorry to break it to you, but ummm, yeah they can man. Guys can screw guys just like guys screw girls."

"No way! How?"

In answer Chad reached around his friend and grabbed his butt, pulling the cheek apart a little about mid-way down. "How do you think?" he whispered, grinning. Seeing the pure astonishment that filled Jason's face he paused and asked quizzically, "You really didn't know?"

Jason shook his head. "No way, I mean... no fuckin way..."

Chad giggled again. "Shhh! Mom and Dad are still asleep, but I don't want to wake them up - especially not right now! Besides, you swearing sounds weird!" Seeing Jason turn red, he leaned in close again and continued. "That's what sodomy is. I know you've heard of that, right?"

Jason nodded. "Yeah, kind of, but I always figured that was when some dirty old man or someone was trying to just, you know, play with some kid's dick or do stuff between some girls legs."

Chad shook his head. "Not really, it's when someone shoves their dick up someone's butt without being invited or anything. It's pretty nasty stuff when grown-ups try and do it to, you know..."

"To kids, yeah. Oh my God, it sounds so gross!" Jason replied, obviously non-pulsed.

Chad gave him a look of understanding. "Want to know the truth? I was like you; I didn't really know it until not too long ago."

Jason's face scrunched up. "Really? How did you find out?" Then his eyes opened wide, questioning. "You didn't, like-"

"No," Chad replied firmly. "I didn't, but I know some guys that did, and well, I just know, that's all. I've heard some stuff about it, too. It's supposed to be sort of cool, definitely different, and a lot of gays do it and stuff, but umm, I'm kind of like you, it just seems gross to me." He looked his friend in the eyes. "Understand something Jase, okay? I want you to know, if I ever do something like that, - I think you're the only one I would ever do it with, okay? When I said I trust you, I meant it. It's just, to do that, I don't know, it crosses the line I guess, it's just too much and everything."

Jason whispered in reply, "Don't worry, I'm like you. I wouldn't do it." He paused. "Chad? Thanks man, I mean, I never knew you felt like this - not towards me anyway. Heck, we've been friends for over two years now, and we've never, like, talked like this, you know?"

Chad smiled and nodded. He sat quietly for a moment before he spoke up. "I will tell you something though if you want to hear, something you can try sometime at home." When Jason nodded, he continued. "Instead of taking a shower all the time, take a bath every once in a while, and while you're in there, like, get your dick all soaped up and everything to jack off and stuff. Then, while you're doing it, give yourself a finger job."

Jason raised his eyebrows. "Huh? What do you mean? How?"

Chad just shrugged his shoulders. "You'll figure it out." Seeing the expression greeting him, however, made him quietly laugh. "Sheesh, you really are hopeless sometimes I think!" Seeing Jason's face turn red Chad quietly laughed. "Okay, okay, I'm kidding! Listen, it's like this: one hand, jack off, other hand, push your finger up inside your butt and wiggle it around and stuff."

Jason's eyes opened wide again. "Your serious?"

"Trust me, it's a whole new world," Chad replied with a grin. They fell silent a moment while Jason considered what he was being told, grinning the whole time. He was learning more in this overnight stay than he had ever thought possible.

When the silence lasted for a moment, Chad eventually broke into his friend's thoughts. "So okay, what was it you DO want?"


"You said you wanted to do something, and I thought you were thinking about, you know..."

"Oh! Not that, no, but umm..." Jason hesitated, and then blushed before whispering. "Can I ask you something first? Have you ever, like, kissed a girl? I mean, like really, really kissed, with tongues and all?"

Chad got a gleam in his eye. He knew then what his friend wanted to do, and he wasn't surprised. They had actually in talked a couple of times in the last few months about kissing girls and what it must be like, so as soon as Jason mentioned it Chad realized he wanted to do it, too. Shaking his head, he rolled until their lips were only inches apart. Closing his eyes, he leaned in slowly.

Jason was surprised; the kiss was tender and slow with just a meeting of their lips brushing each other. It hung for a moment, with a light sucking sound between them before they parted. When they separated, their eyes opened and stared at each other, each smiling and waiting. This time it was Jason who made the move, and this time they went all out, neither grossed out from touching and sucking on each other's tongue, checking out the new sensations from it all. The intimacy had an everlasting effect in other areas too, as they ground each other's groins together and shared the closeness.

And when they separated, it was Jason who grinned and whispered, "Oh wow, that is sssoooo cool!" Chad grinned and pressed his groin in harder in response, afterwards which Jason added, "and yeah, my dick can make out with yours any day."


Posted: 04/26/19